wait graphic

hash-bang-at (#!@) graphic   Doer's Diary

The Doer's Diary is a place where individuals who do stuff can record information about that stuff and report it out in ways that are meaningful to them.

We hope that you landed on this page for one of following reasons:

  1. You are curious about what this thing is
  2. You are a Doer and want to start to keep your Diary
  3. You are a Doer's Diary client who wants to start to use a different machine
  4. You are a Doer's Diary client who cleared your Web Storage on this machine

If you are curious, click/tap the AboutUs and AboutThis tabs.

If you want to take a 30-day trial, click/tap the SignUp tab.

If you are a client, and want to use this machine, click/tap here.

If you are none of the above, surf on.

  © AWConsulting 2019



We need to open an account for you, log you in, and will need to communicate with you later. This page is where we do that.

We use your valid email address as your account ID. For your safety, we also require a Personal Id Number (PIN). We will send a verification email to this address to which you must respond to start using the applicaton.

We employ 2 Factor Authentication. Every day we will send a code to your email which you must enter to continue.


  © AWConsulting 2019


About Us

About Us


AWConsulting was founded in 1998 in response to the potential Year 2000 crisis. We employed the power of personal-computers to analyze many thousands of lines of COBOL code and softly repaired thousands of 6-digit date processes so that our client successfully crossed the century boundary.

We built upon that success and continued to harness the power of personal-computers to assist with client-server applications. Today we focus on the internet, constructing web empowered database applications, like Doer's Diary, that address the needs of individuals, and small-to-medium sized enterprises.


We keep as little information as possible on our clients, just email addresses. We accept payment only through PayPal. We do not keep credit card numbers. Diary Entries are private. We will not release this data to anyone for any purpose without a court order. We will not sell any of your information to anyone, period.

Doer's Diary data are not encrypted on the database, in order to facilitate your searches, but transmissions between us are. Every attempt is made to ensure that you alone have the authority to access this information. However, please be mindful that what you store is always at risk.


  © AWConsulting 2019


About Doer's Diary

Example | Rules | Photos | Report Writer

The Doer's Diary was originally designed to keep track of consulting work done for multiple clients. As with most every computer application, the devil is in the details.

To be an effective diary, multiple recording methods should be offered. Doer's Diary uses what we call a "HashBangRate" notation technique to make this possible. A doer may choose general text, text collections (hashes), quantifiable collections (hashBangs), and quantifiable collectons with rates (hashBangRates) or a combination of the three.

General text is supported in three ways: it can be all that there is recorded, appear before hashed Collections and between hashBangRate sets.

Collections are identified by a unique hash tag (#). Quantifiable Collections are contained between hash tags and hashBangs (#!) or hashBangeRates (#!@).

Each collection is identified by a "hash tag" like #XYZ:. Everything recorded for that collection is preceded by that "hash tag".

As quantifiable activities occur, the "hashBang" and it's quantity are added like #XXX!Hours: 8.

The "hashBang" can be extended by a "Rate per bang (no decimals)" unit like #XXX!Minutes@10: 15.

Diary Example:

Some general text.
Write Picker logic.
#XYZ!Minutes: 15.
Some more general text
Test Picker logic in Chrome.
#ABC!Hours@95: 2.
Some final general text.

All a Doer has do to add a "hashBangRate" element is to type it into the Diary Entries text one time. It was edited for validity and stored in a database table. From then on, it appears in a dropdown of the all of doer's "hashBangRate" elements. Selecting one caused it to be added into the text of the diary entry.

And, so it is for every Doer. Each has their own list of efforts that need to be kept and potentially quantified. What gets stored is searchable and reportable. A starter set of reports is offered. Hopefully, it provides sufficient meaning to make such a diary worth while. We remain endlessly open to suggestion for new features.





Photos may be added to diary entries. They may be collected for diary entries for a given day. They are limited to GIF, PNG, JPG and JPEG elements. Each photo must be accompanied by a caption. Since photos are collected for a day, captions are the only link to a specific diary entry (ie: fig-1 XYZ Before).

Photos are optional and will result in additional charges for storage.


Report Writer:

The report writer generates PDF files that may be printed, saved and shared using Adobe Acrobat options. These files are the only permanent record of the Diary.

The report writer pulls all information during the selected reporting period. Non-hashed items are reported unter the "General" heading. Collections are reported between "hash tags". If that "hash tag" is also a "bang" of some sort, it processes it as a count and or multiplication rate.

There are several Reports that appear under that tab: Today, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month and Custom, where a specific date range is requested.

The report has physical limits as to how many "hashBangRate" columns ('!' and '!@') can fit on a page: up to 5 combinations in Portrait orientation and 8 in Landscape orientation. The number of columns to include in a given report is determined by the content of the Diary Entries in the date range selected. Orientation is set automatically based on the number of culumns needed. Should the number of supported columns be exceeded, either choose a time span that does not exceed the report's limits or modify your hashBang strategy. Totals are reported for each hash.


  © AWConsulting 2019